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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Cooking Safety for Todd Creek?

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

We restore fire damage 24-hours a day in Adams County.

SERVPRO® of North Thornton/Brighton responds to fire damage emergencies in Todd Creek every year. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more home fires and burns happen during Thanksgiving. Here are some tips for cooking safely and dealing with burns from the NFPA:

  • If you have a cooking fire, when in doubt, just get out and call the fire department
  • If a small grease fire starts in a pan, smother the flames by carefully sliding the lid over the pan. Turn off the burner. Do not move the pan. To keep the fire from restarting, leave the lid on until the pan is completely cool
  • If a fire starts in the oven, turn off the oven and leave the door closed
  • To prevent cooking fires, you have to be alert. You won’t be alert if you are sleepy, have taken medicine or drugs, or consumed alcohol that makes you drowsy
  • Turn pot handles away from the stove’s edge and use the back burners when possible
  • When cooking, wear short, close-fitting, or tightly rolled sleeves
  • If your clothes do catch fire, stop, drop, and roll!
  • Burns require immediate attention. Run the area under cool water for three to five minutes. Cover with a clean, dry cloth.
  • If the burn is bigger than your fist, get medical help right away

Call Us Today!

When you need fire damage restoration services for your Todd Creek home or commercial business, SERVPRO® of North Thornton/Brighton is Here to Help. ® Call us today at 720-223-8888.

Franchises are Independently Owned and Operated.

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